Itunu Adeniyi – Back of House Fashion Show Coordinator Volunteer

Itunu Adeniyi - Back of House Fashion Show Coordinator

Itunu, an HR Coordinator at the Debt Change Charity by day and the Founder of Yari Fashion Studio, is an ardent fashion enthusiast.

Her diverse background and the various places she’s called home have significantly shaped her perspective and deep passion for fashion. She perceives fashion as a powerful avenue for individuals to articulate their personalities, aspirations, and narratives, ultimately fostering self-confidence and growth.

Itunu is thrilled to provide support to the volunteers who will feature their businesses in this year’s Fashion Fiesta. Being a Fashion Fiesta Alumnus herself, Itunu is exceptionally well-suited for this role, having firsthand experience and a proven track record in the field. She’s been through it all, making her the ideal candidate to guide and assist others in this exciting endeavour.