Steering Board

Fashion Fiesta CIC is steered by a dynamic and dedicated team that collectively contributes to its vision and impact.

Our steering group convenes quarterly, creating collaboration and strategic decision-making. The group is comprised of individuals with diverse expertise, including:

Marketing/Promotions Specialist: Driving brand visibility and engagement.
Event Management Representative: Ensuring seamless and impactful event execution.
Branding Development Expert: Shaping and evolving the Fashion Fiesta brand.
Treasurer/Finance Professional: Overseeing financial aspects and sustainability.
Governance Specialist: Ensuring transparent and ethical governance practices.
Tenders/Funding Specialist: Navigating funding opportunities and securing support.
Model Representative: Providing insights into the modelling industry.
Fashion Designers Representative: Offering perspectives from the creative forefront.
Make-up Artists Representative: Contributing insights from the beauty and styling domain.
Volunteer Representative: Representing the valuable team behind the scenes.

This diverse steering group collaborates to steer Fashion Fiesta CIC towards continued growth, innovation, and community impact. Each member brings unique skills and perspectives, contributing to the success of our collective mission.